Skin Wrinkle Reduction

Beautiful middle aged woman
Polaris Wrinkle Reduction - Plastic Surgery San Francisco California

A non-invasive, in office skin treatment to reduce the wrinkles on your face.

The Polaris Wrinkle Reduction

Choosing a solution for the treatment of wrinkles was once a confusing and difficult decision. Many methods and technologies promise the best results, but most fall short. The Polaris, powered by Elos technology, is a new revolutionary energy system that has made a big impact. Simply put, Elos is one of the safest, most effective treatments to obtain the reduction in wrinkles you desire. As one of the few sites in the country to perform the FDA study for this device, Dr. Kulick has extensive experience using this technology.

Polaris uses a unique combination of radio frequency (electrical energy) and laser light to isolate the treatment area leaving the surrounding skin from potentially harmful side effects. The combination of energy produces a unique Matrix heating process that cause changes at both the skin surface and deep dermal levels. This combination of energies effects multiple levels of the skin, making it possible to treat fine wrinkles at the surface and penetrate into the dermis to treat deeper wrinkles, all in the same procedure.

The Polaris Wrinkle Reduction Treatment

The Polaris/Elos procedure usually requires oral sedation. For our patient’s additional comfort, nerve blocks similar to those given by your dentist can be given prior to treatment. The average procedure takes less than 30 minutes to an hour to perform and you can put makeup up on right afterward. Many patients return to work or their daily schedule with no problem on the day of treatment. While not a substitute for a surgical procedure, the best results are obtained with a series of treatments.

InMode – Fractora – Skin Tightening and Wrinkle Reduction

How can technology improve upon delivering radio frequency energy? By delivering this energy below the skin surface via small needles,which allows the electrical energy to flow within the dermis, the layer of the skinthat greatly impacts the appearance of the skin. One’s body responds to this energy by forming new collagen that softens wrinkles and tightens the skin. This device can also improve the color of the skin by changing the energy delivery tip.

Contact Dr. Kulick in his San Francisco office for a wrinkle reduction consultation, click here.

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