Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

Young Woman Smiling
Ear Surgery - Plastic Surgery San Francisco California

Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is an aesthetic procedure that can improve a person’s appearance by altering the size, position, or proportion of the ears. This procedure can offer great psychological benefits and increase self-confidence for anyone who has been teased over the size, or position of their ears. If the ears stick out, ear pinning can be performed to flatten the ears against the head. If one ear is positioned higher than the other, ear repositioning can create symmetry. Large, oversized ears can be addressed alone or in conjunction with other ear issues. Dr. Kulick is also capable of constructing new ears for patients who are missing them from injury or other causes.

Ear surgery may also be helpful for the following conditions:

  • Large or protruding ears
  • Lop ear (top of the ear folds downward or inward)
  • Cupped ear (a small ear)
  • Shell ear (no outer curve in the cartilage)
  • Large, stretched, or torn earlobes
  • Earlobes with large creases and wrinkles

Otoplasty is a low-risk procedure and can:

  • Improve the shape and proportion of the ears
  • Provide a boost in self-confidence
  • Be performed on children over the age of five
  • Provide results that can last a lifetime

The Otoplasty Procedure

Otoplasty, also known as ear pinning, is typically a two to three hour procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. Older children and adults may choose a local anesthesia and sedation for the procedure, while general anesthesia is recommended for very young patients. Dr. Kulick begins by placing a small incision in the crease behind the ear, where the ear meets the head. The cartilage is then sculpted and placed into its new position, in order to achieve the patient’s desired appearance. After the cartilage reaches the preferred shape, sutures are used to hold the ear in its new position until healing is complete.

Ear Surgery Recovery

Patients of all ages usually feel normal a few hours after surgery. However, the patient may experience some aching or throbbing in the ears for a few days. Dr. Kulick can prescribe medication to help alleviate any discomfort. A few days following the prodedure, the bandages around the patient’s head are removed and replaced with a surgical dressing that should be worn for one week and a headband may be required for a bit longer.

One week after their procedure, children may return to school and adults are often able to return to work and resume their routine activities. After the ears have healed completely, there will be a faint scar behind the ears. However, the scars will be virtually unnoticeable, thanks to the strategic placement of the incisions.

To learn more about Ear Surgery procedure, call our office to attend one of Dr. Kulick’s lectures..more

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