Due to the meteoric rise of social networking sites, you may frequently post photos of yourself on  Snapchat, Tinder, Grindr, FaceTime, Skype, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook – just to name a few. Though the undeniable benefit of these apps is that they help you stay in touch with friends and even form new connections, it’s also easy to see the downside: This constant parade of selfies and comparing yourself to others may all be adding up to magnify any insecurities you may have about the shape or structure of your face. Is it the picture you took via your cell phone that’s maybe not at the right angle, or is this a true structural concern? How would a strong chin improve your male facial contours?

According to 2017 data on cosmetic surgery trends from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, cosmetic procedures for men are on the rise in the U.S. For example, chin augmentation for males increased 23.6 percent in 2017 over the previous year. * Chin implants are especially gaining in popularity among younger men, who may feel increased pressure to “put their best face forward” due to the popularity of online networking and matchmaking.

Benefits of Chin Augmentation for Men

Why are so many more male patients turning to cosmetic procedures, such as chin augmentation, to achieve their optimal appearance?

Though every plastic surgery patient ultimately follows their own unique path to arrive at the decision, part of the reason for many men is that men and women alike constantly consume a media diet that shows us pictures of what the “ideal man” should look like. To drive home how prevalent this phenomenon is, picture a cartoon superhero such as Batman or Superman ** – you’ll probably realize their chins are an even more prominent feature than their capes.

Though some beauty standards fall in and out of fashion, the principles of what is viewed as as looking one’s best via print and social media have given us some consistent preferences for “ideal” masculine and feminine beauty. People of all sexual preferences equate symmetry with attractiveness and greater physical health. In scientific studies, even babies as young as two months old will spend longer looking at photos of more attractive people, *** which suggests societal preferences for what constitutes an aesthetically pleasing face may be, to some extent, hard-wired into our brains. Thus, there may be a genetic component factoring into how we as humans define what looks great!

Even if you are satisfied with the shape of your eyes or the contour of your cheekbones, one undesirable feature surrounded by otherwise handsome structures may create the appearance of asymmetry. What does this mean for people whose facial features are not in harmony with each other?

For males, a small chin or a weak jawline may be contributing to the appearance of imbalanced facial features, in addition to making them look less masculine. And while you can reshape many areas of your body through a diet and exercise regimen, no amount of weight lifting will help if your unique genetic makeup didn’t give you the male facial contours you desire. Men in this situation are ideal candidates for a chin augmentation procedure.

History of Male Cosmetic Surgery

While you may think of cosmetic surgery as being a relatively new trend, facial surgery was once more common for male patients than female patients – specifically, soldiers who sustained life-altering facial wounds in battle.

During World War I, one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history, pioneering surgeons began developing techniques to reshape the faces of men who had fallen victim to the ravages of war. Though the extent of many of these injuries was virtually unimaginable, surgeons were able to rebuild parts of the soldiers’ faces**** to offer them a more normal quality of life. During this time, chin and jaw surgery was a common procedure doctors performed for men who had lost part or all of the lower halves of their faces due to explosions or gunshot wounds.

These early cosmetic surgeries used materials such as the patient’s own ribs to provide a reconstructed jawline – an extreme measure you thankfully do not have to take today. However, during WWI and other wars, necessity forced the medical profession to make great strides in cosmetic procedures for men.

The evolution of silicone implants in the late 1960s led to the creation of modern-day chin implants, which are still primarily made from moldable, biocompatible silicone to this day. Today, chin implant surgery – when performed by an experienced cosmetic surgeon such as Dr. Michael Kulick – is a relatively straightforward process that can reshape a man’s chin and jawline in a subtle way that results in minimal recovery time.

Chin Augmentation for Males

Chin augmentation surgery for men involves a board-certified plastic surgeon precisely placing an implant on top of your existing chin bone to provide a stronger chin and jawline, creating more aesthetically pleasing male facial contours from all angles.

There are different sizes and shapes of chin implants available, depending on your unique facial anatomy.chin augmentation for men The first step in a chin augmentation for males is to schedule a one-on-one consultation with a cosmetic surgeon, during which you will look at before-and-after photos of chins and jawlines you like, as well as those you don’t like, to determine the ideal size and shape for you.

The surgery itself is a straightforward outpatient procedure that usually takes less than an hour to complete. The incision for a chin implant is small and hidden behind your bottom front teeth, and most patients can resume their normal routine within a week or so after the surgery.

If you’re ready to take the next step in learning more about male chin augmentation, contact Dr. Kulick’s office today. As a leading cosmetic surgeon in the San Francisco area, Dr. Kulick has more than 20 years of experience with enhancing his patients’ self-esteem and quality of life with naturally balanced results.

* Source: ASPS, Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank Statistics, 2017

** Source: NPR.org, December 2011

*** Source: Science News for Students, December 2016

**** Source: dailymail.co.uk, September 2017

Dr Michael KulickDr. Michael Kulick, MD is a leading board certified plastic surgeon in San Francisco, California. During an initial consultation, he’ll examine your individual anatomy, discuss all your options, and create a unique treatment plan along with any other necessary procedures. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of plastic surgery and are looking for a qualified cosmetic surgeon, use this online form to request a consultation with Dr. Kulick or call 415-956-2550.